Thursday, December 28, 2017

January 2018 Challenge

Its time to get in shape, eat healthy, lose weight, tone your body, and most importantly create healthy habits? The 8 Week Health and Fitness Challenge may be the key to your success!

We have included goals to encourage better family relationships, stronger minds, and spirits. All are welcome to participate!!!

The Challenge in a Nutshell (and nuts are healthy):
  • Eight week duration
  • Earn points for:
    Eating a certain amount  of vegetables, fruits, protein, fiber and dairy.
  • Exercising
  • Drinking water
  • Working on overcoming something of your choosing
  • Personal prayer or meditation
  • Reading
  • Spending time with your family
  • Losing or maintaining your weight each week
  • Lose Points for:
    Eating unhealthy foods

Report your points weekly and your weight loss (not your actual weight). Keep track of your progress with the printable/downloadable point tracker.
Sounds easy? It is.

For more details read the “8 Week Health and Fitness Challenge Rules”.

We hope you join us as we work together to commit to a healthier lifestyle.

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